Traditional Aleppo soap, authentically made according to an ancestral 4,000-year-old recipe that involves sun drying, pressing olives to create the oil and enriched with either 20% or 40% bay laurel oil.
Aleppo soap is much loved for its nourishing qualities and is notably the best soap for use with sensitive skin.
Made without palm oil, fragrance, coloring or antioxidant.
Suitable for all skin types and ideal for problem skin (eczema, psoriasis, acne).
Smooth, and versatile you can use it as a soap, shampoo, face mask or shaving foam.
Dermatological properties:
- Olive oil to help nourish the skin and dilate the pores for deep cleansing.
- Laurel berry oil restores the skin's hydrolipidic film
- Hyperemic and antiparasitic action
You might also buy our amazing Soap Holder to make you soap last longer!
Sold in its paper sheath.
200 grams
Sodium olivate, sodium laurate, aqua, sodium hydroxide
Olive oil, bay laurel oil, water, traces of soda from sea salt.
Subject to desiccation. Store in a dry place.